Networking event: Employee well-being in secondment
Employee well-being in secondment - Insights from our network event
Our last business lunch with secondments focused on an important topic: the well-being of employees within the secondment. It was an inspiring afternoon that made us all think about what well-being at work means, what challenges we face, and how we can move forward together as employers, managers and colleagues. Here are some important insights:
What does wellbeing at work mean to you?
Well-being at work can mean something different for everyone. At lunch, the following answers emerged:
• Health
• Going to work happy
• Work-life balance
• Workplace safety
We are increasingly paying attention to a positive work environment. A place where employees feel safe and supported is essential. However, there is no “code of laws” for wellbeing, so a holistic approach is needed. This includes broader aspects such as adequate sleep, exercise and a healthy diet.
The theme of work-life balance is an important point for many, but how you fill it out often depends on your phase of life. For example, a young professional has different needs than someone with a family.
Absenteeism and turnover in the secondment sector
Within the secondment industry, absenteeism is around 4-5%, and the turnover is considerable, between 20-30%. This begs the question: what is wellbeing at work and who is responsible for it?
There was a consensus that it is a shared responsibility. As an employer, you can create the preconditions, but the well-being of employees also remains their responsibility.
Challenges in the secondment industry
A number of important wellbeing challenges in the secondment sector include:
• Burnouts
• Retaining talent over the long term
• Creating engagement and bonding with seconded workers
• Work-life balance (hour of billing, mentality)
• Legislation and welfare (some prefer wellbeing in their own time)
What do staffing agencies do to promote well-being?
During the lunch, various strategies were discussed that companies use to improve the well-being of their employees. A personal approach and regular communication are key words. Field management, team outings, training and even financial incentives are used to increase loyalty and engagement. However, it appears that its effectiveness varies, with scores of 6 to 9 on a scale of 1 to 10.
Generational differences and needs
One notable point that came up was the difference in needs between generations. Older employees (50-60+) often value wellbeing initiatives more, while younger generations, like Gen Z, want more freedom and flexibility, such as the ability to work from home. Nevertheless, it appears that, despite their need for freedom, these younger employees often need more guidance and clear frameworks.
This is very different from other sectors. In general, it is often the younger generation that needs more support in the area of well-being compared to the older generations.
For more information about these generations, see us market research.
Workload and secondment
How do seconded workers experience the workload? This appears to vary considerably. Some employees say they actually want more work, while others find it difficult to maintain the balance. The role of the field manager or relationship manager is crucial here. They must catch signals before things go wrong and ensure that seconded people feel supported, including from the secondment agency.
Well-being as a topic of conversation
Although welfare is not always a topic of conversation between the seconded person and a field manager, it remains an important theme. An open and honest dialogue between employer and employee is therefore essential. By listening to the employee's priorities and responding to them, we can increase well-being within the staffing industry. In addition, this also shows that it varies from organization to organization what priority well-being gets within the personal contact between field manager and seconded person. People don't always ask how someone is really doing.
Training budget and well-being
The training budget also plays a role in the well-being of employees. Some companies offer budgets that employees can spend on their personal and professional development as they see fit. Nevertheless, it remains important that training courses are relevant to the position. There were mixed opinions about how far you should go as an employer in this regard. A few organizations just want the training budget to be spent on certificates and diplomas that make the seconded person “worth more”. Other organizations are willing to invest more widely in their people so that they can also develop themselves emotionally and mentally.
During this lunch, it became clear that well-being in the secondment industry is an important but complex topic. Where people are ultimately the end product of secondment, some secondment appears to be more willing to invest in these people than others. There is no one-size-fits-all solution, but through open communication, personal attention and providing the right support, together we can contribute to a healthier, happier work environment for everyone.
• Invest in communication training for Field managers: Teach them that well-being is a priority during discussions with seconded workers and give them tools to deal with issues that may affect the well-being of posted workers.
• Training programs focused on well-being and vitality: Within secondment, there is a lot of focus on training budgets for professional development, but it is also essential to pay attention to courses focused on mental health, vitality and resilience. Think of training in stress management, mindfulness or recognizing burnout symptoms
• Guidance for younger generations: It is clear that younger employees need more guidance and clear frameworks, despite their need for flexibility. A good step in this can be to think about mentoring programs or buddy systems that support young professionals in navigating their work-life balance and setting the right priorities.
• Integration of external tools: The role of the field manager is crucial, but they often lack tools to properly monitor and support the well-being of seconded workers. Empowr could help by providing field managers and secondments with a tool that allows them to easily recognize signs of burnout or overload and offer immediate solutions within themes where necessary.