Sleep better with the 4-7-8 method (try this exercise)

Are you tossing and turning in bed and watching the clock every hour? Don't panic. The 4-7-8 method calms your body and helps you fall asleep faster. Here you can read step by step how the 4-7-8 method works so you can use it yourself to sleep better.
What is the 4-7-8 method?
The 4-7-8 method is a breathing technique intended to reduce stress and anxiety. The method was developed by Dr. Andrew Weil, an American doctor and advocate of alternative medicine.
How can you sleep better with the 4-7-8 method?
The 4-7-8 method can help you fall asleep faster. This works like this: the 4-7-8 method has a relaxing effect on your nervous system. When you're stressed or anxious, your body activates “fight-or-flight” mode, which activates the sympathetic nervous system. Your heart rate increases and you start breathing quickly and shallowly. This makes it impossible for your body to fall asleep.
The 4-7-8 method focuses on activating the parasympathetic nervous system, which is responsible for relaxation and rest. By breathing slowly and rhythmically, the parasympathetic nervous system is activated and your body can relax.
It is important to know that the 4-7-8 method is not a panacea for sleep problems and that the effect may vary from person to person. Other factors, such as good sleep habits and avoiding caffeine and stimulants, are also important for a good night's sleep.
Lake tips to sleep better you can read it here.
How does the 4-7-8 method work?
1. Sit or lie down in a comfortable position. Make sure your back is straight and relaxed. Place your tongue against your palate, just behind your front teeth. Maintain this position throughout the exercise.
2. Breathe slowly and deeply through your nose as you count to 4. Then hold your breath for 7 seconds.
3. Breathe out slowly through your mouth while counting to 8. Let go of all tension and worries.
4. This is one cycle. Repeat the cycle at least 3 times.
Practice the 4-7-8 method twice a day (for example, right after getting up and before going to sleep). It is recommended not to repeat the cycle more than four times at the beginning. Over time, you can do the exercise longer and repeat it more often. Ultimately, you can work your way up to eight complete cycles.
It may happen that you experience anxiety, shortness of breath, or a very uncomfortable feeling while doing the exercise. Then take a short break and breathe at your own pace a few times. It may take a while to get used to the breathing exercise. However, it is normal if you experience a slightly uncomfortable feeling or become lightheaded while doing the exercise. Then take a break and breathe at a slow pace a few times.
Do you want to practice using the 4-7-8 method to fall asleep faster? In the Meditation Moments app, you will find the 4-7-8 method as Breathing for better sleep (category breathing). The breathing exercise is led by a breathing expert Robert Bridgeman. All you have to do is press play and breathe in.
Other breathing exercises to sleep better
If you don't like the 4-7-8 method, you can also experiment with other breathing techniques. This breathing exercises also ensure a better night's sleep. If nothing seems to help, your insomnia may also have a medical cause. Then always consult your doctor to find a solution together.
Sleep better with Meditation Moments
Do you go to bed sleepy but feel wide awake the moment your head touches the pillow? If you fail to fall asleep over and over again, this can increase your fear of insomnia. In our program Sleep better in 7 days in 7 lessons, we'll help you get a good night's sleep. We've made a selection of different meditations, breathing exercises, affirmations, music and a sleep story so you can find out for yourself what best helps you fall asleep.