These are the reasons why setting intentions brings you so much
Intentions are intentions that can help you be healthy and happy. For a positive effect of these intentions, it is important to become aware of the energy you give to your intentions. The more attention you pay to positivity, the greater it will become. Because everything you give attention grows!
If you get up in the morning in a bad mood, it can have a lot of influence on how your day goes. In a bad mood, you feel angry or full of resistance and your motivation is hard to find. If you also think 'bah, this is not going to be a fun day', you will come to the conclusion at the end of the day that was indeed true.
Negative thoughts
The power of thought is enormous. Around 70 to 80% of your thoughts are negative, or at least contain a negatively charged word. In the example above, there is also negative thoughts, which ultimately lead to a pattern or conviction: “Do you see that I was right? It was a bad day!” The intention that led to this conviction was negatively charged and did exactly what was asked. Fortunately, as humans, we are very capable of changing our mind. In other words, we can influence our thoughts and their consequences. Once you have that insight, the path to a healthy and happy life is open to you.
Step 1: So get your becoming aware of your thoughts and how they affect your health (physical, emotional, mental, energetic and spiritual), holistic so) can influence. A simple example is the thought or conviction 'I'm not going to make it today'. With this, you actually already have a negative intention for the day. Your attention is focused on the do not save. The more you have this thought, it only gets bigger. Emotionally, you may then feel a certain fear, for example of rejection or failure. Energetically, you experience anxiety or tension and physically you can experience headache, stomach pain from stress and back or shoulder problems. On a spiritual level, you can be bothered by the beliefs you already had about yourself: I can't do it, I'm not good enough, is this what I really want?
Setting intentions as a method
Setting an intention is a powerful way to create an positive spin to give to all kinds of things. By expressing intentions, you influence the course of your day, your life, your contacts, your work, your appearance, your behavior, etc. Just where you focus your attention. You consciously focus on what you want to achieve: a nice day, a good conversation, a nice meeting, good food, job satisfaction, or doing what you've been putting off or forgetting for so long. And if you've managed to turn that intention into a positive result, you really feel healthier and happier. An intention therefore starts at the mental level (your thoughts) and offers immediate tangible results on an emotional level. Positive thoughts therefore lead to happy feelings: a boost for your health!
Working with intentions
Intentions can be used at any time of the day, for any situation and for everyone and everything around you: anything you want to pay attention to at that moment. When you get up, you can set the intention that you can get many insights again today, in a space where you feel less comfortable, you can set the intention that the room can be filled with positive energy, and for your colleagues, you can set the intention that they can work together in a loving way today. If you really want to work on that presentation today, which you've been putting off for weeks, you can shape that intention like this: “Today, I enjoy working on my presentation”.
Intentions work from pure energy
An intention comes back to you when you use it from pure energy. Pure energy is the energy from your heart that speaks unconditionally, with love and without judgment. And that is exactly where the crux lies for many people. An intention you set to win the lottery won't come back to you. After all, this is not inspired by your heart, but from material wishes. “Today I'll win the lottery” is therefore not a pure, judgement-free intention, because it often involves all kinds of conditions and expectations, such as self-interest.
But how do you ensure that pure energy?
If you're going to use intentions, it's important to let go of everything that prevents you from being pure. Negative thoughts, anger or, for example, putting aside your resistance can easily be done by connecting to the Earth. Make sure you stand firmly, with your feet flat on the ground and visualize that all your barriers flow through your body into the Earth, away from you. As a result, you will notice that there is space inside you, a pleasant emptiness that makes you realize that you are here, now. You are then fully present in your body, without having to worry about yesterday or tomorrow because they are simply not there in the here and now.
How can you use these intentions?
- Think positive thoughts.
- Connect with your heart and let your feelings speak. What intention do you want to express today?
- Formulate your intentions with positive words. Don't use words like “none,” “not,” or “without,” but emphasize the positive. If you're determined not to get angry today, formulate your intention as “I'm loving,” instead of “I'm not going to get mad.” Indeed, the use of denials indicates resistance.
- Don't work out of self-interest and avoid interpretations. For example, wish someone to get exactly what they need at that moment, instead of specifying it to something you can't control. “My child gets what they need today” and not “My child gets a lot of presents”.
- Keep the time frame open. Have faith that everything is going exactly the way it should go, and that there is no limit.
- Be aware of all the signals that are being given to you. Each signal can be a message that helps your intent to manifest.
- And finally: at the end of the day, thank the intention you set for what it has brought.
Above all, practice with this as often as you want or need. This is how you train your brain, your mental level, and you will become increasingly aware of all the positivity you receive with your pure intentions: feelings of happiness, gratitude and trust.