10 concrete tips to improve your communication
Good internal communication within organizations is essential these days. But what exactly is internal communication? How do you make the distinction with this? And how do you ensure that this runs as smoothly as possible? This article covers a dozen concrete tips that you can use to improve internal communication within your organization.
What is internal communication?
Internal communication includes all forms of communication within an organization. In contrast to external communication, which involves communicating with people outside the organization, internal communication is really about internal target groups with which the organization communicates. This may include, for example, communication between employees or from management to manager.
Internal communication strategy
Broadly speaking, there are 3 ways to communicate within an organization:
- Top-down internal communication — from management to employee. Characteristics of this way of communicating are: organizational objectives are set early, inflexibility (employees have tasks to perform within the management regime), lack of motivation among employees.
- Bottom-up internal communication — from employees to management. This style of communication is characterized by: high motivation among employees, lack of long-term vision, employees feel valued.
- Lateral internal communication — communication within the same hierarchical level of an organization (horizontal communication). In contrast to the two communication flows above, the communication that takes place at this level is often less instructive.
Different organizations also require different ways of communicating. So there is no right or wrong in that regard either. It is important to choose a way of communicating that works best for your organization, makes employees the happiest and gets the best results.
Why is good internal communication important for good business operations?
Effective internal communication is one of the most important factors for a well-functioning company. Good internal communication ensures that there are no misunderstandings between managers and employees. Organizations with a big difference in business hierarchy or employees at many different locations require a joint, targeted communication approach. This is because for maximum efficiency, the activities must be optimally coordinated.
Smooth internal communication goes hand in hand with satisfied employees in the workplace. Happy employees are not only more productive, but are also less likely to leave the organization. In recent years, “Job hopping” has increasingly become a trend. Employees are less likely to have the same job for a long time and are therefore more likely to look for a new challenge in a new environment.
This poses a number of disadvantages for the employer. In addition to the fact that new employees are not as productive in the early period. That is why companies like to keep good employees on board. Good internal communication contributes to a sense of appreciation and recognition. This is an aspect that every employee is looking for in their job, according to A. Maslow. A. Maslow's Theory is an order of human needs arranged in a hierarchical way.
Improving internal communication with 10 tips
As an organization, how can you ensure that information reaches the right internal target groups in a way that also appeals to them? How do you ensure engaged employees? And which internal communication tools can play a role here? We would like to share 10 tips to improve internal communication.
1. Tell us why you're going to do something
Transparent communication to your employees contributes to the productivity of your employees. If your employees are aware of why certain activities need to be carried out, they will also be more committed to achieving this. A clear vision motivates employees. When the employer clearly profiles their identity and vision, employees will see him/her more as a role model. Internal communication ensures that employees know the vision and mission and also express them in contact with the customer.
2. Know where responsibilities lie
Within an organization, it is important to have the responsibilities clearly distributed. This relieves the employer because they have delegated certain responsibilities. In addition, it contributes to employees' independence and sense of appreciation. They are entrusted with activities that they take care of. Choose the right people to do this and coordinate responsibilities properly. With the right distribution, you prevent noise on the line, which contributes to good internal communication.
3. Give someone responsibility for the internal communication process
Within your organization, clearly name a person or a specific department that is responsible for the internal communication process. The best thing to do is appoint an enthusiastic, motivated person who is also able to encourage others. Someone who has an affinity for this could be a community manager.
4. Give and ask for feedback
In organizations where there is a tight hierarchical structure, communication is mainly top-down. However, management should not be the only department that communicates internally. Employees are usually full of creative ideas and knowledge of the specific processes within the organization. It is a shame to leave this knowledge unused. In addition to the fact that there are often the necessary good ideas, hearing their feedback also contributes to sense of appreciation from the organization.
5. Make internal communication part of your organizational strategy
When the basic facets of your internal communication policy are anchored in the organization strategy, employees are directed towards your organization's communication standards from day 1. These internal communication labels will become faster picked up by new employees and will be pursued for the remainder of their employment.
6. Don't forget to celebrate your successes
Successes within the organization are a great opportunity to expressing appreciation to your employees. Make your employees part of your organization's success.
In addition, by taking a moment, you create a sense of commitment to your employees. Through transparent internal communication, they are aware of the successes. This keeps employees motivated to get the most out of it with you.
7. Prevent excess information
Due to the technological developments of the past decades, it is a lot easier to spread a message quickly within an organization. Of course, there are many advantages to this, but there is also a danger. Because of this accessibility for distributing messages, it is important to take into account that employees are not overloaded with information.
Images, infographics, news articles, wristbands, videos, and newsletters are all great ways to share information. You can also think of a intranet App. However, don't overwhelm your employees with information, this is counterproductive. Find the right balance and structure, that's the best way to get your message across.
8. Connect the right people
Organizations often consist of different departments and teams. The activities are often different. Bring these departments into contact with each other. In this way you create more cohesion within your organization and prevent each department from becoming a separate island. A sparrings-of-brainstorming session can just lead to new insights or ideas.
9. Communication is Key
It keep communicating structurally with employees is essential for good internal communication. This way, you prevent miscommunication within the organization. Perform weekly communication moments. This way, employees remain involved in the organization in a transparent way. In addition, it is important that the employees themselves have the opportunity to provide input within the organization. Give them the opportunity to contribute ideas about certain issues that are direct/indirectly related to their job. Who knows, maybe this will result in very creative solutions.
10. Look for tools and tools to improve your internal communication
A digital workplace, a social intranet or a communication app are all tools that you can tackle as an organization to improve internal communication. This internal means of communication can make internal communication a smooth, easy process where internal and field employees are in direct contact with each other.
If you, as an organization, want to switch to a communication platform, always take into account its functionalities and user-friendliness. However, employees must be able to start using the new internal communication tool without having to read a thick manual first.
Start with an analysis of what you have and see how software can contribute to improving it. Digitizing a number of paper-intensive processes can help reduce red tape. But processes such as requesting leave, arranging corporate clothing or requesting an interview can all be arranged via a digital communication platform.